Are You Ready To Break Through?

Discover how confidence coaching can quickly
remove the blocks and barriers
to increase your personal well-being and
amplify your professional success.

Frustrated woman


Let me ask you, are you someone who feels at times like you’ve got a total handle on life, only to be put on the spot and freeze? Maybe you know you’re good at some things, but when it’s deadline time or “crunch time” you’re not sure if you can trust yourself to get the job done?

Well, my friend, that experience is all about your inner confidence. And very likely, it affects your entire life. 

As a confidence coach, I specialize in helping people remove the inner beliefs and barriers that cause them to second guess themselves all the time. My clients come to me when they realize their fear of taking a risk is preventing them from getting raises or promotions. This fear keeps them stuck in jobs they dislike or in relationships that are unfulfilling.  This fear is causing them mental and physical anguish.

The very good news is that confidence coaching works. It ends this painful cycle of self-doubt and seeking answers in books and videos only to stop when you hit the barrier of “I can’t” or “It won’t work for me”. 

Confidence coaching ends the inner conflict you feel (one part of you believes you can do something, the other doesn’t) and brings you to a place of relaxation and freedom where you confidently know your value and your worth.

If you’re ready for this kind of experience, I am your coach.


If you are at a standstill—in your life or business—you’re not alone. 

As a coach, my job is to help you eliminate what it feels like to live with “Imposter Syndrome”. This debilitating experience of feeling “never good enough” or as if you’re riddled with self doubt, is not a permanent state of being (even if it has been for you thus far). Freeing yourself from imposter syndrome means you feel assured, clear, certain, and in control of your life. Does it mean you lose all of your doubts? No. It means you have the confidence and skills to get your needs met, whatever they may be.  

You also rid yourself of the need to medicate or hide from your feelings. You are confident in your humanness and that means you align your actions with your values so you create greater “flow” in your life.  Flow in this sense is when the just-rewards from your hard work materialize. You experience the abundance, energy, joy, and freedom you so greatly desire in your life.


Confidence coaching is the experience of confronting (in a gentle way) the barriers that are holding you back so you gain trust in yourself. A confident person doesn’t have a life without challenges. What they have is an innate ability to meet those challenges and resolve them. 

The internal blocks that keep you stuck in fear, depression, poverty (even if that’s just a mindset), and servitude are removed through the confidence coaching process so you can make healthier choices and manifest the results you want.

In our work, I take you through my program called Rapid Rewiring to help you reclaim your power and breakthrough to new levels of success. 

It’s easy and gentle. 

It does not require unearthing every bad thing that has ever happened to you. Instead, it targets the specific blocks that are in your way, and removes them. What you’re left with is the confidence to live a better life. 


  • A massive upgrade in their personal and professional self-confidence and self-esteem (you simply feel better and from that place, you DO better).
  • An increased sense of peace and well-being.
  • Freedom from fears, depression and anxiety.
  • Improved motivation and performance at work.
  • Greater energy, focus and follow through in daily and professional life.
  • Relief from painful physical symptoms caused by illness, fear or stress.
  • As needed, clients report back weight loss and changes in diet, health and exercise for longevity and healing.
  • Finally, greater financial freedom because you no longer waste time in dead-end jobs, working for people who don’t value you or reward you for your investment and efforts.

For many women, the next level in their life feels elusive…

You have been you for a long time. The idea that this could change may feel like trying to hold air in your hands. I get it. But know this, there is a reason why you’re here. If you want to get unstuck, and end the years of inner doubts that show up as illness, indecisiveness, feeling trapped or stuck in a life you don’t love, I can help you. 

That’s why working with me is invaluable. 

I will teach you how to Rapidly Rewire your thinking and habits for greater well-being and results.


Are you ready to release your old way of being and unlock your full potential?

Let’s have a confidential 30-minute consultation to determine what’s needed today to transform your life.

This is your time. 

Stop being afraid and stop feeling disempowered. Take control of your life one step at a time … it all begins with a chat. 

Schedule your complimentary call today.


Rapid Rewiring™ is a unique fusion of my 20+ years of executive coaching experience blended with Rapid Transformational Therapy™. RTT combines the most beneficial principles of hypnotherapy, NLP, and Cognitive Behavior Therapy to quickly get at the heart of your subconscious issues that are causing you physical or emotional pain. By getting to the root of your beliefs and discovering the subconscious messages that direct your behavior, we can eliminate any that are counterproductive to your life.

And you can’t believe how many there are. Clients share long-held childhood beliefs around “staying in their place” or “not rocking the boat” or “girls don’t say things like that or act like that”. In our modern world those ingrained beliefs are often so deeply rooted we don’t even know where they came from. What we experience is the desire to do something like start a business or ask for a raise, only to feel anxious and not take action.

This anxious state is caused by deep-seated beliefs that really do not serve the person you are today (or want to be in the future). But, because these beliefs are deep, they are also hard to identify. What I just described produces the experience of being stuck. The feeling of being trapped in parts of your life without a roadmap out. 

And this is what Rapid Rewiring frees you from.  

How Does Rapid Rewiring Work?



We start with a confidential discovery session to learn more about what challenges you want to overcome. We identify the challenges or barriers that need to be eliminated so you can have more joy, satisfaction and success in all areas of your personal and professional life.



Next we have a Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy (RTT) session to unearth the core issues holding you back. In hypnotherapy, we rapidly rewire and reprogram your thinking with new, powerful, positive beliefs and strategies to deliver on your desired goals.

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To integrate these new beliefs, you receive your own customized “transformation recording” to listen to each night as you go to sleep.These recordings are like fingerprints; each one is unique to your vibe, needs, and plans for your future. The daily practice of listening before sleep helps your mind integrate these new ideas at a deeper, subconscious level to create positive, rapid shifts in your way of being and thinking.



Each month following your RTT session, we have weekly coaching calls to continue your healing and transformation. We unpack your new insights and “ah-ha” moments that come about as you explore being the person you want to become.  It’s thrilling and enlightening to witness this transformation and we want to cement this time so you can revisit it as often as you desire.


What’s important to know about Rapid Transformation is that it is fast. Because we eliminate the storyline and go right to the subconscious beliefs, we’re working with the building blocks of your subconscious and your life. These core beliefs impact every aspect of your life. When we move them away from beliefs that hold you back, or cause you to play small, you open up a world of possibilities for your life, career, and happiness.



Award Winning

RTT® is multi-award-winning and critically-acclaimed as a new go-to therapy. 


Rapid Change

Create powerful, long-term change in as little as 90 days.


Peace of Mind

RTT uses safe, proven and powerful techniques that are combined with Michele’s 20 years of confidence coaching expertise for long-lasting success.




You get support through the entire process as you release your fears and achieve your goals. You are never alone or without a lifeline to support you.


Easy to Access

All sessions are held via zoom so you can be in your own comfortable environment without the need to travel.



RTT delivers significant change and has positively changed thousands of lives.

Here’s what clients have to say about working with Michele:


“Before I did this Rapid Rewiring work with Michele, I was feeling something was holding me back that I couldn’t quite get at. There were underlying fears that kept me back in the shadows, hiding out from my full potential.

Now, I’m feeling more open, like an armor has fallen off. I feel like I was contained in a box and that box has fallen away. I’m definitely lighter and more positive, feeling more authentic and connected with others. I am noticeably calmer and more centered too.”


Caroline K. • Vice President, Healthcare Industry • Phoenix, AZ

“I’ve struggled with low self-esteem and low self-confidence my whole life. I was fearful of new experiences and was stuck in a rut. I constantly compared myself to others and always came away feeling less than in some way.

Working with Michele has helped me to quiet the critical voice that has been in my head for as long as I can remember. I feel more confident about myself and I no longer constantly compare myself with others. I find myself doing things I would have been afraid to do before experiencing Michele’s Rapid Rewiring process.

Her Rapid Rewiring process of combing Rapid Transformational Therapy + Coaching works! It has been a completely positive experience for me and I’m not finished yet! I highly recommend it!”


Debbie Necessary | Executive Assistant | Raymond James



Get your copy of my eBook, “Do You Have Imposter Syndrome? 6 Triggers That Are Crushing Your Confidence.” Identify the symptoms and triggers of imposter syndrome and discover how to find greater confidence and peace of mind.

I want to thank you! Your wonderful approach has been such a blessing. Through your Rapid Rewiring program, I found myself feeling more confident and being more in control of my emotional states as I move through each day. I’ve turned semi-productive moments into highly productive ones by slowing down, assessing and then proceeding forward. I sincerely appreciate  you and the work we’ve done together!”


Robert B. | Entrepreneur & Inventor | Kentucky 


“I first came to Michele with terrible writer’s block. While I am a writer, the ability to actually sit down and begin writing had become torturous. Deadlines were giving me lack of sleep. I was in a constant state of creating excuses.  I was losing opportunities to advance my career. A vicious circle had been created.

I read countless books and hired two writing coaches, but nothing seemed to budge. Then, I had an opportunity to talk with Michele. I signed up for a discovery call. She fit me in quickly and reassured me that RRT could help.

It did. Immediately.

I can’t explain it, not only did the floodgates of writing open, but I felt a calm, a confidence and an ease in living that I have never known. My husband said I even look and carry myself differently! I cannot tell you how well I sleep!

This experience was so powerful that I used Michele’s expertise a second time. I have a confidence that has changed my world, my business and my career since my first meeting with Michele a mere six weeks ago!

Michele is in the business of granting miracles!

I have already recommended Michele to my friends and my family. Imagine describing your most vulnerable, pain point to someone. Imagine if someone could wipe away your greatest insecurities, your greatest fears, your greatest vulnerabilities. That is what it is like working with Michele: you hold in front of her a complicated, overwhelming, inexplicable and painful list of reasons why you can’t. She hands back a clean slate of why you can.

Run, don’t walk, to Michele.”


T-Ann Pierce | Life and Mindset Coach | | Chicago, IL

Are You Ready To End Your Imposter Syndrome
& Take Back The Power In Your Life?

Schedule You Complimentary Discovery Call 

Let’s have a confidential 30-minute consultation to determine what’s needed today to transform your life.

This is your time. Stop being afraid and stop feeling disempowered. Take control of your life one step at a time … it all begins with a chat.

Schedule your complimentary call today.

“I can definitely feel a shift in my confidence and perspective on things. I’ve notice that my stress and anxiety levels have absolutely gone down as well.

I’ve even noticed myself giving my opinion to people I would usually hesitate in doing that with. Even today our lead detective said to me, “That’s a good idea. I’m going to do that.” I was sort of shocked and then I told myself, “Why are you shocked? You’re brilliant and you have great ideas!”

This whole process has been completely AMAZING!!

Thank you so much!”


Angela M. | Law Enforcement Officer | California

“Coming into my first session with Michele I was nervous, but also excited.  I had been living with fear and self-doubt for over 30 years!  I am so happy that I did this work!  The shifts are so powerful!  It seems like today I feel like nothing can stop me.  I’m ready to tackle whatever comes my way with confidence.

And the Fear? Self-doubt? What’s that? I honestly cannot feel what that feels like anymore. I’ve tried to let it in just to test it, but it’s absolutely impossible. My confidence is the most high I’ve ever had.

My confidence is REAL. It’s deep rooted confidence. There’s NO façade of confidence going on here. True 100% Confidence. Period. Everyday it gets better and better.

The more I work on our new real estate business, the more confident I become.”

Michele is not only an outstanding RTT practitioner, she’s an excellent business coach too!”


Greg Tripoli | Real Estate Entrepreneur | Nampa, ID