Before I share this amazing guest podcast episode with you I’d like to introduce to you Dov Baron, the host.

Dov is a multifaceted businessman and I’ll let him fill you in on his achievements:

One of Inc. Magazine’s Top 100 Leadership Speakers to hire, Dov Baron is an international leadership catalyst. He is the leading authority on Authentic Leadership, and Leadership Succession or, as he prefers to call it, — “Full Monty Leadership.” Dov works with leaders and executive teams to build the bonds that create corporate cultures that become Fiercely Loyal. Dov is a bestselling author of several books. His latest book is Fiercely Loyal How High Performing Companies Develop and Retain Top Talent. (In-Phase Publishing, 2015 ©) He also writes for and has been featured in many industry magazines including CNN, CBS Small Business Pulse, SHRM, Yahoo Finance, Boston Globe, Business in Vancouver, USA today, CEO, Entrepreneur and many more.

He is the host of the national (US) TV show “Pursuing Deep Greatness with Dov Baron” on ROKU TV, and the host of the Number One Podcast for Fortune 500 Listeners (globally) “Dov Baron’s Leadership and Loyalty Show” on Apple Podcast and is carried on FM & AM Radio Stations across the US.

You can hear our conversation by clicking on the embedded player at the bottom of the page. Also, feel free to use the below show notes to follow along and make sure you get all of the key takeaways!

Show Notes:

Well our guest on this episode is: Michele Molitor and she says: ABSOLUTELY!

On this show we’ll speak about:

Listen to the episode here:

You can see the original post HERE

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